Our Ministries

Get connected and learn more about our ministries here at Georgetown Church of Christ


At Georgetown Church, children experience safe, age-appropriate environments where they learn about Jesus in a creative and relevant way.  Journey Kids is our Kidmin program designed for children ages birth - 5th grade led by our Children's Minister, Lauren Venable.  Preschool and Elementary small groups meet on Sundays at 10:00 am.


Whether meeting at the building or in homes, students in Middle and High School at Georgetown Church experience environments to learn about Jesus based on their stage of development.  Our goal is to set every student on the path to developing their own authentic faith in Jesus.  Middle and High school students are led by our Student Minister, Collin Lea.  Middle and High School small groups meet on Sunday evenings from 5:00-7:00 pm.

Community Groups

We believe that community is a key component in developing disciples and encouraging adult individuals to take their next step with Jesus.  Community is created in circles not rows so Community Groups meet at a variety of times and locations.


Part of the Christian calling is service.   Large and small volunteer opportunities are available within Georgetown Church and to serve the larger Georgetown community.  If you are ready to take your next step with Jesus through service, let us know where your talents and interests lie and we will do our best to get you connected.