Serve With Us
“Sunday is just the beginning!”
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Descriptions of Ministries
“The life of our church extends across Central Texas and beyond, providing excellent opportunities to make new friends, grow in faith and serve.”
We break our ministries up into four areas: Gather Together
(What we do on Sunday)
Connect in Community
(What we do during the Week)
Offer Your Gifts
(What we do for Each Other)
Continue the Mission
(What we do for Others)
Weekly Worship Service
Every Sunday we gather as a church family to worship God and encourage one another.
Kids (Babies-5th Grade)
Every Sunday we have a nursery for our babies and toddlers, and Small Groups for our preschoolers through 5th grade.
Students (6th-12th Grade)
Our group of students meet every Sunday evening to study the Bible and to building community with one another.
New Member Orientation
Community Groups
Monday Night for the Master
This is a meeting set up for those who are interested in placing membership or identifying yourself with our church family.
Each week we have community groups meeting in various homes throughout the community.
We have a group that meets on Monday nights throughout the year called Monday Night for the Master. Every week they eat together and do service activities.
Ladies Bible Class
Senior Singles Ministry
Every Wednesday morning, in room 213, our ladies gather to study Scripture, pray with one another, and encourage each other in their walk with Jesus.
Every month our singles life ministry meets to eat together and encouragement one another. They host different events and service opportunities as well.
Discipleship Team
Dorcus Room
Cares Team
Our Discipleship Team works to make sure everyone is in a Jesus-centered relationship with a more mature believer in our church. For those who are not currently in a group, it is our goal to help them find meaningful relationships that will encourage them to take their next steps with Jesus.
Those involved in this ministry use their gifts in sewing and crafting to bless different people with their beautiful creations.
This team is a group of individuals who are blessing the church with their pastoral gifts. These people pray for and check in with those on our prayer list on a weekly basis.
Gardening Team
Bereavement Team
AV Team
This team is committed to serving the church through the beautification of our church property.
This team is assembled when there is a death in our church family. These people help the loved one navigate the grief and funeral process.
This team helps with our video studio, sound room, live stream, and other technical issues that are essential to making our church service run smoothly.
Praise Team
Campus/Facilities Team
First Impressions Team
This team helps to enhance our worship experience through their commitment to practice the worship songs beforehand which helps us hear and sing the songs the way they were meant to be sung.
This team helps to ensure that the inside & outside of our building stays clean and maintained.
This group is made up of friendly people who offer a warm welcome into our church gathering and other church events.
Another way to offer your time, talent, and treasure is by giving financially to the church. Each week we take a contribution to keeps the lights on and to further the Kingdom reach our church has both across the street and around the world.
Caring Place
This is an organization that acts as a "one stop shop" in our community for those who need financial or family assistance.
We host a satellite campus for Brookwood In Georgetown (BiG), a non-profit that helps families that have individuals with special needs.
Mission 4031
This ministry seeks to provide respite care for families with special needs adults.
Academy 4
Lifeline Chaplaincy
In this ministry we are partnered with Bertram Elementary in Bertram, TX. Every month we provide one on one mentoring to 4th graders at the school.
This ministry provides compassionate support to the seriously ill, their families and caregivers
and is an educational resource for crisis ministry
and is an educational resource for crisis ministry
Feed My Sheep
12 Step Programs
Church Hurt Group
We are partnered with Deni Howard & Feed My Sheep who are working with those who are experiencing homelessness in Temple, TX.
We have various 12 step programs that meet in our building on a weekly basis which include: Al Anon (Alcoholics Anonymous), SA (Sexaholics Anonymous), ACA (Adult Children of Alcoholics), and OE (Over Eaters Anonymous).
This group is a 12 week program to help people who have been emotionally, physically, or spiritually hurt from religious organizations or institutions.
Bright Beginnings
We host a preschool in our building on Tuesdays and Thursdays which offers low cost child care to those in the community.
Casa de la Esperanza
We support Casa de la Esperanza in Anahuac, Mexico. This foundation provides a residential program for children, and also serves the community of Anahuac through it's church ministries.
Thessaloniki, Greece
We support the Napier family who are based out of Thessaloniki, Greece. This ministry takes him all over the world making disciples and training leaders.
Athens, Greece
We support the Gulley family who live and work in Athens, Greece. They continue to work among the displaced/refugee population that continue to come into Greece.