
Why Mission Partners

Georgetown Church believes that Jesus came to earth to provide the way to the Father through His life and sacrifice; while with us, He also showed compassion to those in physical need and embraced the vulnerable. Jesus’ example is why we partner with local and international organizations that provide both physical aid and spiritual guidance to those they serve.

Who We Support Domestically

Brookwood in Georgetown (BiG Light)
A God-centered vocational community that provides meaningful work, a sense of belonging, dignity, and respect for adults with functional disabilities. Located in Georgetown, Texas, BiG provides a place where special needs adults contribute to the world. https://brookwoodingeorgetown.org

Casa De La Esperanza
Serves the orphaned, abandoned, and abused children of Mexico. Located in Chihuahua, Mexico, Casa De La Esperanza offers hope to these children by providing physical care such as housing, education, and health care, while also introducing them to the love of Jesus through actions and teaching. https://ahouseofhope.com

Impact Temple
Focused on God’s expanding Kingdom in marginal places. Located in Temple, Texas, Impact Temple pursues the marginalized in the East Temple community, connects diverse people to God and His church, and serves the crisis and chronic needs within the community. https://www.impacttemple.com

The Key2Free
Offering safe housing, education, and therapeutic care for survivors of human trafficking. Located in Georgetown, Texas, the Key2Free works to prevent human trafficking through community education and to restore survivors to a life of freedom through a variety of services. https://www.thekey2free.org

Ministries In Greece
Georgetown Church supports two international works in Greece that focus on sharing the gospel message and providing essential care to refugees fleeing primarily from Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, and Syria. These ministries are located in Athens and Thessaloniki.

How We Support

Georgetown Church believes we are called to take Jesus into the world.  We ask our church family to support these missional partnerships through prayer, giving, and/or going.  Life is full of different seasons; we believe everyone can pray in all seasons and give according to the season while some can go for short or long-term projects and service.

What This Means For You

Georgetown Church bis passionate about supporting these missional partnerships!  We invite you to join us in prayer for all of them.  We encourage you to look into each of these  missional efforts and consider how becoming engaged with them could be a step toward positively influencing  your world and be your next step with Jesus.

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