Connect in Community

“Make new friends & grow in your faith.”

When was the last time you really connected at church Where you found faith, friendship and purpose? Beyond Sundays, your local Community Group is the best place to meet new people and grow in your faith. Available during the week throughout the Georgetown area, you don’t need to look far to find an open door and welcoming smile.

Questions & Answers

Each week skeptics, seekers and believers meet at various Community Groups near you to hang out and explore life's big questions.

What are Community Groups?

What will my group do?

How long do Community Groups go?

Imagine a space where you can meet new people, laugh and talk about God in a friendly small group setting. That's what Community Groups are all about.
It depends on the type of group you join. Some play games, while others eat together and enjoy a Bible study with prayer.
Groups meet in 12-week seasons and each group varies from 1-2 hours long.

How do I join a group?

How do I sign up to lead a group?

What if I have more questions?

Chances are, it won't be long before someone invites you at church, or you can fill out the form below to express your interest.
Are you called to lead? If you've been attending Georgetown for awhile and want to start your own group, then let us know in the form below.
If there are other questions we can answer, please let us know in the form below.

Community Group Form

We'd love to hear from you. If you would like to sign up for a group, to become a leader or have any questions, please let us know.